Reconciliation Action Plan: July 2020 to July 2021
We are committed to our responsibility towards reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In supporting our commitment to the reconciliation movement, we envision that the RAP will support the Court in building a dynamic workforce that recognises commitments to promote partnership, agency and recognition of our current and future Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees. It is a continuation of the reconciliation journey for the entity.
In order to build a dynamic workforce, we must increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals employed by the entity across various locations and sections. We want to ensure the Court is a desirable workplace for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, which offers them the opportunity to build their skills and capabilities.
Through the RAP we will continue to acknowledge the histories, cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We celebrate through National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee Week (NAIDOC Week), Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week. We aim to build upon activities that celebrate our culture and knowledge by engaging with our colleagues in all locations.
Our RAP will be promoted by RAP Champions across the Court and implemented by us all. The RAP Champions will be the Executive Director, People, Culture and Communications, the Executive Director, Court and Tribunal Services, Deputy Principal Registrar and National Family Law Registrar and the National Native Title Tribunal Registrar. Specific projects or tasks will be worked on by teams that include our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff.
We will consult with our staff on our RAP initiatives and we will value the diversity of feedback received. We will endeavour to implement the initiatives in this RAP as they are described, however we will adjust our focus when needed to ensure that we get the best results.
We have extensive expertise in supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through Court and Tribunal services and will use that expertise to further embed respectful and dynamic work practices that support our current and future Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and stakeholders.
Photo: A Boonthamurra native well, near Eromanga, Queensland
Boonthamurra Country is within the Quilpie and Barcoo Shire Council regions, and includes the township of Eromanga. On 25 June 2015, the Federal Court of Australia formally acknowledged the Boonthamurra People as the holders of native title to an area of 23,406 square kilometres in the South West Queensland.