
Corporate Plan 2020-2021

Federal Court of Australia entity

Purpose: The provision of corporate services in support of the operations of the Federal Court, Family Court, Federal Circuit Court and the National Native Title Tribunal.

Program 1.1: Federal Court of Australia

Purpose: To decide disputes according to the law as quickly, inexpensively and efficiently as possible.

Program 1.1 (Cont’d): National Native Title Tribunal

Purpose: To perform the functions conferred upon it by the Native Title Act in accordance with the directions contained in s 109, ethically, efficiently, economically and courteously, thus advancing the purposes underlying the Act, particularly reconciliation amongst all Australians.

Program 2.1: Family Court of Australia

Purpose: To help Australians resolve their most complex family disputes by deciding matters according to the law, promptly, courteously and effectively.

Program 3.1: Federal Circuit Court of Australia

Purpose: To assist with the effective resolution of disputes using streamlined procedures and appropriate dispute resolution processes to resolve matters as efficiently and cost effectively as possible.

Program 4.1: Commonwealth Courts Corporate Services

Purpose: To provide efficient and effective corporate services to the Commonwealth Courts and Tribunals.

Program 4.2: Commonwealth Courts Registry Services

Purpose: To provide efficient and effective registry services to the Commonwealth Courts and Tribunals.