
Corporate Plan 2020-2021

To ensure we achieve our stated purpose, we will build and maintain our capability over the four years of this plan by focussing on the following themes:


  • Implement the expansion of the Federal Court’s jurisdiction in respect of corporate crimes.
  • Implement the National Native Title Tribunal’s possible expanded function in respect of dispute resolution (subject to legislation).
  • Harmonise family law rules, forms, practices and procedures.
  • Improve family law case management pathways.
  • Deliver a national structure for family law registrars and family consultants.


  • Restructure service delivery to streamline and maximise services provided to our clients.
  • Leverage and scale the National Enquiry Centre.
  • Deliver services via a range of locations throughout Australia, including regional and remote.
  • Aspire to be innovative and commit to a culture of continuous improvement and organisational reform.
  • Implement and maintain strong governance arrangements to ensure we are accountable, open, collaborative and responsive.
  • Achieve financial sustainability by realising further savings in an effort to achieve a balanced budget.
  • Invest in leadership and management to ensure our leaders are responsible, visible, respected and trusted.
  • Commit to workforce planning and capability actions as a direct result of COVID-19 learnings and recovery.


  • Transform our business through digitisation and other modern service reforms, with a focus on ongoing reforms as a result of COVID-19 learnings.
  • Increase our Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) capability and align our ICT strategies to whole of government initiatives.
  • Implement agile systems and processes with the capacity to navigate and respond to change.
  • Standardise systems and processes that allow us to rapidly respond to client needs.


  • Invest in our people to deliver the best outcomes and support a strong and respectful organisational culture.
  • Develop and maintain a robust and dynamic workforce-planning model consistent with the APS workforce strategy.
  • Maintain support for ongoing learning and performance development.
  • Build a diverse and inclusive workplace.
  • Form positive and influential relationships with our stakeholders to support better outcomes for the Australian people.