Corporate Plan 2023

Covering the reporting period 2023–2024 to 2026–2027

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Corporate plan cover Guidance for the use of the Corporate Plan

The Corporate Plan is the Federal Court of Australia Entity’s principal planning document. It outlines the strategic direction, goals, challenges and priorities for the Federal Court of Australia, the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 1), the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2), the National Native Title Tribunal, Commonwealth Courts Corporate Services and Commonwealth Courts Registry Services.

The Entity’s planning framework is modelled on the Commonwealth Performance Framework.

The Portfolio Budget Statements (published in May 2023) outline our proposed allocation of funds to achieve our stated outcomes.

The Corporate Plan (published in August) is a non-financial strategic planning document. It sets out our purpose, key activities, and the results we expect to achieve over the next four years. It also includes discussion on our operating environment, our capability, our stakeholders and our management of risk.

The Annual Performance Statement (published in October the following year) is produced at the end of the reporting cycle and provides an assessment of how we performed against our key activities and performance measures. It includes results against planned performance in both the Portfolio Budget Statements and the Corporate Plan. The Annual Performance Statement for the Entity is included in the Federal Court’s annual report.

The Corporate Plan was developed in conjunction with the following reference material:

  • Resource Management Guide 131: Developing performance measures
  • Resource Management Guide 132: Corporate plans for Commonwealth entities

The Corporate Plan covers the following topics and themes:

  • introduction
  • purpose
  • operating context
  • capability
  • risk oversight and management
  • cooperation
  • performance, and
  • resourcing.

This is a living document that is reviewed and updated each year.