The Hon Scott Anthony GOODMAN

Judge, Federal Court of Australia: 11.11.2021
Location: Sydney

Justice Goodman was appointed to the Federal Court on 11 November 2021.

Justice Goodman graduated from the Australian National University with a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and a Bachelor of Science in 1989 and with a Master of Laws from the University of Sydney in 1994.

Justice Goodman began his legal career in 1989 as a solicitor with Clayton Utz and was a partner of that firm specialising in corporations law litigation, taxation litigation and general commercial litigation, prior to being called to the Bar in 2001.

Justice Goodman was appointed Senior Counsel in 2016.

At the bar, Justice Goodman specialised in commercial disputes, with particular experience in commercial law and equity, corporations law, trade practices and insurance law.

Applications for Associate Position

Justice Goodman appoints one Associate, generally for a period of 12 months.  His Honour has appointed Associates for 2025 and 2026.

Justice Goodman invites persons interested in the position of Associate for 2027 to apply by 31 May 2026. Applications should take the form of a covering letter, CV and university transcript.

General information about Associate positions can be found in the Employment pages of the website. If you have any queries in relation to the process, please send an email to marked to the attention of the Chambers of Justice Goodman.

Updated August 2024