Commonwealth Courts Corporate Services
Corporate Plan 2018-2019
In the 2015–16 Budget, the Australian Government announced that the corporate services of the Family Court of Australia (FCoA) and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia (FCC) would be amalgamated with the Federal Court of Australia (FCA) into a single administrative body with a single appropriation.
The Courts Administration Legislation Amendment Act 2016 established the amalgamated body, known as the FCA, from 1 July 2016. This approach preserves each court's functional and judicial independence, whilst improving their financial sustainability.
Corporate Services includes communications, finance, human resources, information technology, library, procurement and contract management, property, risk oversight and management and statistics.
The shared corporate services body is managed by the FCA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Principal Registrar. The FCA CEO consults with heads of jurisdiction and the other CEOs in relation to the performance of this function. Details relating to corporate services and consultation requirements are set out in a MOU.
Corporate Services generates efficiencies by consolidating resources and infrastructure, streamlining processes and reducing duplication. The savings gained from reducing the administrative burden on each of the courts will be reinvested to support the core functions of the courts.
The objectives of Corporate Services are to:
- provide accurate, accessible and up-to-date information and advice
- standardise systems and process to increase efficiency
- build an agile and skilled workforce ready to meet the challenges and changes, and
- create a national technology framework capable of meeting the needs of the courts into the future.
Our Purpose
To provide efficient and effective corporate services to the Commonwealth courts and the National Native Title Tribunal.
Our Values
Competent, reliable, honest, integrity, respectful of others.
We are committed to upholding the Australian Public Service Values and Employment Principles and to comply with the Code of Conduct. We are impartial, committed to service, accountable, respectful and ethical.
The key objective for Corporate Services over the next 12 months is to focus on the continuing provision of high level corporate service to the courts and the National Native Title Tribunal (Tribunal).
A major area of focus will be on the development of the Digital Court Program (DCP), a series of technology-related projects that aim to streamline core business systems, create flexibility and operational efficiency, support the courts' ongoing digital transformation and improve service delivery.
In addition, Corporate Services will continue to look at consolidating resources, streamlining services and reducing unnecessary duplication.
The challenge will be to remain focussed on delivery of services to the courts and the Tribunal whilst the amalgamation of systems and services continues. Lower costs will need to be achieved through consolidation of resources and greater productivity.
From 1 January 2019, subject to the passing of legislation, the FCoA and the FCC will amalgamate to become the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. This proposed reform may alter some of the Corporate Services' Priorities for 2018–19, however these will be refined as more information becomes available.
Our strategic objectives for the next four years:
- Efficient and effective corporate services.
- Build an agile, skilled and engaged workforce.
- Optimise technology to support judicial, registry and corporate services functions.
Performance measures
The key outcome measure for Corporate Services is contained in the Portfolio Budget Statements. This is, improved administration and support for the resolution of matters according to law for litigants in the FCA, FCoA and the FCC and parties in the Tribunal through efficient and effective provision of shared corporate services.
The ability of the team to meet budget and projected average staffing numbers are the metrics that will be used to measure performance.
1 Strategic Objective
Efficient and effective corporate services
The goal to amalgamate corporate services functions of the three courts and the Tribunal is to improve efficiency, create a culture of high performance and provide value for money services.
Amalgamation has provided an opportunity to consolidate the experience of Corporate Services staff to identify the most effective policies and procedures, to develop nationally consistent services that support the work of the judiciary and registries.
Over the four years of this plan, Corporate Services will focus on the following strategies:
- Benchmark finance processes to identify efficiencies and eliminate duplication.
- Further refine business processes to streamline the functions of corporate services.
Priorities - Efficient and effective corporate services
In 2018–19, Corporate Services will progress the following projects:
Objective | Activity | Target date |
Refinement of business policies and processes |
| June 2019 |
| Dec 2018 | |
| Jan 2019 | |
Develop a risk and compliance framework to better support and manage the risks of the entity |
| March 2019 |
| Dec 2018 | |
Drive efficiencies |
| June 2019 |
| Dec 2018 | |
| March 2019 | |
| June 2019 | |
| June 2019 |
2 Strategic Objective
Build an agile, skilled and engaged workforce
Amalgamation of the Corporate Services teams necessitated changes to the structure and culture of the organisation. In addition, with the increasing applications of technology to the work of the courts and the Tribunal, it is expected that the nature and type of work performed by Corporate Services and registry staff will impact on capability requirements.
A new Enterprise Agreement was accepted by 96 per cent of eligible staff on 5 June 2018. The move from two agreements to one, covering all staff, will assist in harmonising policies across all courts and the Tribunal and allow a consistent approach to all employment matters.
The Tribunal has worked closely with the Court to find synergies and harmonise approaches to employment practices and this will continue. A particular focus will be given to cultural training and development and programs that will assist all staff to work together with a common cultural underpinning.
Innovation is a key capability in order to deliver efficiencies, reduce costs and keep pace with change. To respond we will require a skilled, agile and engaged workforce.
Over the four years of this plan, Corporate Services will focus on the following strategies:
- Build and sustain an engaged workforce who are passionate about working together to achieve the vision.
- Identify capability requirements resulting from the new structure.
- Strengthen the leadership group.
- Create a high performance culture.
Priorities - Build an agile, skilled and engaged workforce
In 2018–19, Corporate Services will progress the following projects:
Objective | Activity | 2018–19 |
Develop a strategy and structure to support the courts |
| Ongoing |
| June 2019 | |
Merge processes and policies to develop best practice |
| June 2019 |
| June 2019 | |
Corporate Services workforce plan |
| Ongoing |
3 Strategic Objective
Optimise technology to support judicial, registry and corporate services functions
During the next four years, Corporate Services will continue to identify and develop digital services to support improvements in registry functions, judicial work and enhance online access for the legal profession and other court users.
The first two years of the amalgamation has seen considerable work completed in modernising the information technology systems and infrastructures. This has included the rollout of personal computing (PC) equipment to all judges and staff, supporting contemporary Windows and MS Office applications. Judges have been provided tablet PCs and touch screen monitors in chambers and courtrooms. The Skype for Business application has been expanded to all judges and staff across the entity.
A key focus for 2018–19 will be the completion of the projects to consolidate data centres and unify secure internet gateway services. The consolidated data centres will be established on new server infrastructure commissioned in 2017–18. The consolidation effort will seek to reduce the total servers under management, by either retiring servers or shifting server functions to cloud services as part of the hybrid cloud architecture developed in 2017–18.
Further investment is required to modernise network equipment and maintain appropriate equipment lifecycles for courtroom technologies, including video conferencing. This will be balanced against greater demand for video conferencing across all courts.
This strategy aims to optimise technology for case management by increasing online accessibility for the legal community and, where appropriate, members of the public. It also supports the judiciary and court officers to manage and decide cases according to the law as quickly, inexpensively and efficiently as possible.
Over the four years of this plan, Corporate Services will focus on the following strategies:
- Modernise technology to improve quality and range of services.
- Maintain a quality, contemporary and efficient IT environment.
- Improve the courts' key business systems.
Priorities - Optimise technology to support judicial, registry and corporate services functions
In 2018–19, Corporate Services will progress the following projects:
Objective | Activity | 2018–19 |
Ongoing digital transformation through the delivery of the DCP to drive more efficient and streamlined practices across the courts |
| Oct 2018 |
| Mar 2019 | |
| June 2019 | |
| 30 June 2020 | |
| Phased rollout over the next 2–3 years | |
| Phased rollout over the next 2–3 years | |
Optimise digital services |
| June 2019 |
Domino application migration |
| Mar 2019 |
| June 2019 | |
Data centre consolidation |
| Sep 2018 |
| Dec 2018 | |
| June 2019 | |
Network and secure internet gateway |
| Sep 2018 |
| Sep 2018 | |
DevOps capability |
| Sep 2018 |
| Dec 2018 | |
Voice system |
| Dec 2018 |
| June 2019 | |
Artificial intelligence |
| June 2019 |
Courtroom technology |
| Ongoing |
| June 2019 | |
| June 2019 | |
Skype for Business |
| Dec 2018 |
| Mar 2019 |
Resourcing - Commonwealth Courts Corporate Services
The table below illustrates the financial and staffing resources applied by Corporate Services over the four years of this Plan.
2018–19 Forward estimate $'000 | 2019–20 Forward estimate $'000 | 2020–21 Forward estimate $'000 | 2021–22 Forward estimate $'000 | |
Departmental expenses | ||||
Departmental appropriation | 64,606 | 65,784 | 60,174 | 60,522 |
S74 retained revenue receipts (a) | 335 | 380 | 412 | 412 |
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year (b) | 53,927 | 53,842 | 53,917 | 54,074 |
Total expenses Corporate Services | 118,868 | 120,006 | 114,503 | 115,008 |
Average staffing level | 123 |
Note: Departmental appropriation splits and totals are indicative estimates and may change in the course of the budget year as government Priorities change.
- Estimated expenses incurred in relation to receipts retained under section 74 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.
- Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year are made up of depreciation and amortisation expenses and resources received free of charge.