National Native Title Tribunal

Corporate Plan 2017- 2018


The Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) established the NNTT as an independent body with a wide range of functions.

The NNTT was established as a special measure for the advancement and protection of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders (Indigenous Australians) and is intended to advance the process of reconciliation among all Australians.

The purpose of the native title scheme, under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (the Act) is to:

  • provide for the recognition and protection of native title
  • establish a mechanism for determining claims to native title, and
  • establish ways in which future dealings affecting native title (future acts) may proceed.

The President of the NNTT is responsible for managing the administrative affairs of the NNTT with the assistance of the FCA CEO and Principal Registrar, who may delegate his powers under the Act, to any of the Native Title Registrar, Deputy Registrar or staff assisting the NNTT.

The FCA also has powers of delegation under the Public Service Act 1999 (Cth) and the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (Cth). The President may direct the FCA CEO and Principal Registrar regarding the exercise of his power to assist the President in managing the administrative affairs of the NNTT.

Our vision

Shared county, shared future.

Our Mission

Provide predictable, just decisions, procedural justice, and delivery of a fair and efficient dispute resolution system.

Our values

Competent, reliable, honest, having integrity, respectful of others.

We are committed to upholding the Australian Public Service Values and Employment Principles and to comply with the Code of Conduct. We are impartial, committed to service, accountable, respectful and ethical.



The NNTT's goals are based on three strategic objectives that will focus our operations and priorities over the next four years. We review our strategies and priorities each year to ensure that our plan remains relevant to our purpose and our operating environment.

Our strategic objectives for the next four years:

  1. Excellent service and innovation.
  2. Respectful, diverse and capable workforce.
  3. Informed and engaged clients and stakeholders.

The strategies in our Corporate Plan continue the implementation of phase two of the President’s Review. The review was undertaken to revitalise and re-energise the NNTT and phase one structural changes were implemented in 2015. Phase two recommendations are incorporated in the Corporate Plan and reflect the continuing work within the NNTT to improve its responsiveness and external focus whilst improving internal efficiency.

Much has been achieved over the past year to improve customer service, build organisational capability and improve access to information and services. In addition, the NNTT has actively participated in discussions about improvements to the native title system, including in relation to PBCs, and has worked collaboratively with other agencies to identify ways the NNTT can improve its effectiveness within the native title sector.

In the past 12 months, the NNTT has continued to roll out technological innovations designed to improve service delivery and client access, as well as improve productivity.

This plan continues to build on the NNTT’s track record of innovation and collaboration in order to position it to respond to the challenges ahead and ensure it has a skilled and agile workforce able to deliver the vision.


Performance Measures

The NNTT strives to be an externally focussed organisation, responsive to client and stakeholder needs. We will measure our success by monitoring our achievements against the strategies in this Corporate Plan.


1 Strategic Objective - Excellent service and innovation

This strategy underpins our ongoing commitment to be more service-focussed and responsive to the needs of clients.

The NNTT will continue to identify innovative ways to improve collaboration with clients and stakeholders and to ensure that our services are appropriate and respectful. We will conduct market research to improve our understanding of the issues and barriers faced by external clients when they interact with the NNTT and proactively seek out opportunities to build on our existing knowledge and capabilities in this area.

Process improvement, service culture, innovation and client experience are at the heart of this strategy. These will be demonstrated in the delivery of our services, which include core statutory functions (registration of claims and ILUAs, future act applications, mediation, inquiries etc.) as well as assistance functions.

Technology and the development of new products will be an important enabler to achieve the strategy, as will ensuring that the skills and capabilities of staff are aligned with a commitment to service excellence.

Our strategies over the next four years

  1. Implement and progress initiatives to improve service delivery and processes.
  2. Ensure consistent service delivery with a focus on service excellence.
  3. Use innovative tools and resources to deliver services (both internally and externally).
  4. Improve service delivery through better understanding of the needs of key clients and stakeholders.


Priorities for 2017–18 excellent service and innovation

In 2017–18, the NNTT will undertake the following projects and deliverables:




Implement and progress initiatives to improve service delivery and processes

  • Evaluate service level standards and identify areas for improvement
  • Develop and implement specific initiatives to deliver improvements

January 2018

Ensure consistent service delivery with a focus on service excellence

  • Develop internal capability and culture to focus on service excellence
  • Increase internal knowledge of effective service delivery

June 2018

Use innovative tools and resources to deliver services (both internally and externally)

  • Identify areas of service delivery where the use of technology can improve efficiency of resources
  • Look for opportunities to further develop and create new products and services, including through the use of social media


Improve service delivery through better understanding of the needs of key clients and stakeholders

  • Develop and implement tools to assess client and stakeholder needs
  • Continue to develop tailored and culturally appropriate services in response to client and stakeholder feedback
  • Grow the internal knowledge of staff to enable dissemination of relevant information about native title law, policy and any social implications

December 2017


2 Strategic Objective - Respectful, diverse and capable workforce

Over the next four years, we will continue to build organisational capability, including cultural respect and safety. Our goal is a respectful, diverse and capable team who are committed to our vision.

Open lines of communication within the NNTT will ensure the consistency and integrity of organisational information and key messages.

A significant aspect of our cultural respect program will be in developing a new Reconciliation Action Plan and participating in the development of an Indigenous Employment Strategy for the FCA. Both documents will consolidate our commitment to developing cultural competence and diversity within our workforce and to building relationships with the communities that we serve.

Our strategies over the next four years

  1. Align communications to our goals of service excellence and transformation.
  2. Promote a safe and respectful culture within the organisation.
  3. Continue to develop a skilled, agile and responsive workforce.


Priorities for 2017–18 respectful, diverse and capable workforce

In 2017–18, the NNTT will undertake the following projects and deliverables:




Align communications to our goals of service excellence and transformation

  • Reinforce a shared vision of service excellence


  • Develop an agenda for communicating organisational achievements and transformation
December 2017

Promote a safe and respectful culture within the organisation

  • Ongoing commitment to providing a culturally safe and respectful workplace and services
  • Continue to promote APS Values within the organisation
  • Instill open lines of communication and transparent management processes


Continue to develop a skilled, agile and responsive workforce

  • Prepare for the future by identifying required workforce skills and related training and development needs
  • Provide opportunities for career and professional development
  • Consolidate understanding of governance and accountability within the organisation



3 Strategic Objective - Informed and engaged clients and stakeholders

Over the next four years, the NNTT will continue its significant focus on engagement with clients and stakeholders and the overall operation of the native title system.

The NNTT has recognised the emergence of other peak bodies which are now engaging with the native title system as it moves towards a post-determination phase. In response, the NNTT has broadened the scope of its engagement strategy and is seeking to work with these bodies to improve the overall operation of the native title system. In particular, the NNTT is the lead agency in an ongoing inter-agency PBC Support Forum delivering a consortium approach to delivery of assistance to PBCs.

A significant aspect of our strategy is to build a broader educative role with a range of external stakeholders to increase their knowledge of native title law, policies and to raise their awareness of the social impact of native title. In the past year we have worked with a number of key stakeholders and industry peak bodies including banks, mining companies, graziers and pastoralists, local government, Federal and State governments and universities to improve their awareness of native title issues. We also celebrated the 25th anniversary of the recognition of native title by publishing a 25 years of native title recognition website, with stories, images and videos discussing native title.

The President, Native Title Registrar, members and senior staff meet regularly with key stakeholders and other clients to provide them with support and assistance. The President and Tribunal members also make a significant contribution to the native title system through committee memberships, conference presentations and authoring of peer reviewed and other journal publications.

Our strategies over the next four years

  1. Work collaboratively with other agencies and organisations to improve the overall operation of the
    native title system.
  2. Increase awareness and understanding of native title law and policy and its social impact.
  3. Improve the capacity of our clients and stakeholders to engage in the native title system.


Priorities for 2017–18 informed and engaged clients and stakeholders

In 2017–18, the NNTT will undertake the following projects and deliverables:




Work collaboratively with other agencies and organisations to improve the overall operation of the native title system

  • Share and exchange ideas to improve effectiveness with other agencies and stakeholders
  • Identify new stakeholders and potential partnerships in the native title sector
  • Look for opportunities to collaborate with stakeholders on suitable projects


Increase awareness and understanding of native title law and policy and its social impact

  • Continue to share our knowledge, including through publications, information sessions and presentations
  • Remain informed on these issues by being actively engaged with stakeholders and exchanging information
  • Develop and update internal and external publications which assist to increase community understanding of native title law and policies


Improve the capacity of our clients and stakeholders to engage in the native title system

  • Regularly evaluate what training and information our clients and stakeholders need
  • Continue to provide high quality information and training sessions to clients and stakeholders
