Online Learning Courses

PJIP offers online specialist training courses, for Judicial officers and Court Officers. The objective the specialist online training courses is to build the competence of Judicial and Court Officers to preside over, manage and report on some of the most prevalent types of fraud and corruption-related cases in the Pacific.

These courses are delivered live using Zoom technology, allowing participants to interact and engage with facilitators and other participants on a regular basis throughout the course. This website provides a course gateway for course participants to access all training materials and resources.

Judicial Officers' Introductory Course

Session One: Introduction and Judicial Ethics

Introduction to Judicial Officer’s Online course including participant introductions, course objective, learning outcomes and how to use Zoom technology. This session will include a summary presentation on The Construct of Impartiality and Unconscious Bias by Helen Burrows, Technical Director of PJIP and how this may impact judicial decision making.

Session Two: Fraud and Related Offences

This session will include a presentation by Justice Teresa Berrigan, National and Supreme Courts of Papua New Guinea on Fraud and Related Offences in the Pacific. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenter and to consider a case scenario that will allow them to explore the application of the law relating to fraud and related offences to a fact situation in their jurisdiction.

Justice Berrigan will facilitate a discussion of the case scenario to assist participants to critically analyse the facts and elements of purported offences, apply domestic provisions, and provide cogent reasoning for their decisions or claims.

Session Three: Bribery and Official Corruption

This session will include a presentation by Justice Teresa Berrigan on Bribery and Official Corruption Offences in the Pacific. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenter and to consider a case scenario that will allow them to explore the application of the law relating to bribery and official corruption offences to a fact situation in their jurisdiction.

Justice Berrigan will facilitate a discussion of the case scenario to assist participants to critically analyse the facts and elements of purported offences, apply domestic provisions, and provide cogent reasoning for their decisions or claims.

Session Four: Trial Management

This session will include a presentation by Judge Brad Farr, the District Court of Queensland on Trial Management techniques for corruption related offences in the Pacific. Participants will consider questions related to the presentation and the discussion will be facilitated by Chief Judge Devereaux and Judge Farr.

Session Five: Evidence & Course Wrap Up

This session will include a presentation by Chief Judge Brian Devereaux, the District Court of Queensland on Evidence with respect to hearing corruption related offences in the Pacific. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenter and to consider a case scenario that will allow them to explore the application of the laws of evidence to a fact situation when hearing corruption related offences in their jurisdiction.

Chief Judge Devereaux will facilitate a discussion of the case scenario to assist participants to critically analyse the facts and elements of purported offences, apply domestic provisions, and provide cogent reasoning for their decisions or claims.

Judicial Officers’ Advanced Course

Session One: Judicial Ethics

Introduction to the course outline, objectives, learning outcomes and an overview of the relevant resource pages on the Federal Court website. This session will include a presentation - an Overview and commentary on the substance & application of the Bangalore Principles; inference and bias mitigation by Justice Rangajeeva Wimalasena, President of the Nauru Court of Appeal.

Participants will have the opportunity to consider a number of fact-based scenarios requiring consideration of the Bangalore Principles; and ask questions to the presenter at the end of the session.

Session Two: Fraud and corruption related offences

This session will include a presentation Money Laundering ’Follow the Money’ by Justice Michael Wigney, Federal Court of Australia. The recorded presentations on Fraud and Corruption Offences by Justice Teresa Berrigan, National and Supreme Courts of Papua New Guinea and recorded presentation on Bribery offences in the Criminal Code by Justice Michael Wigney, Federal Court of Australia are also available under this session.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions to the presenters at the end of the session.

Session Three: Evidence

This session will include a presentation on Evidence by Chief Judge Devereaux, District Court of Queensland and Judge Loury KC, District Court of Queensland.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions to the presenters at the end of the session.

Session Four: Sentencing

This session will include a presentation on Sentencing by Justice Michael Wigney, Federal Court of Australia and Justice Teresa Berrigan, National and Supreme Courts of Papua New Guinea.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions to the presenters at the end of the session.

Session Five: Decision Making

This session will include a presentation on Decision Making by Justice Kathleen M. Salii, Presiding Justice of the Trial Division, Palau Supreme Court.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenter at the end of the session.

Court Officers' Introductory Course

Session One: Introduction, Ethics, Fraud and Corruption

This session will include a presentation on Ethics, Fraud and Corruption Cases by Ms Victoria Belo, Assistant Registrar Crimes, National Court of Papua New Guinea and Ms Joanne Wilson, Judicial Registrar of the Federal Court of Australia.

Session Two: Bribery

This session will include a presentation by Ms Alicia Ditton, Judicial Registrar, Federal Criminal Jurisdiction, Federal Court of Australia on Bribery, specifically on the management and reporting of bribery cases. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and to consider several discussion questions that will allow them to consider how their court deals with high profile bribery cases. Participants will also consider what tasks they undertake as a court officer to assist their court with managing such cases. They will also discuss the challenges their court experiences in managing such cases.

Session Three: Bribery and Official Corruption

This session will include a presentation by Ms Victoria Belo, Assistant Registrar Crimes, National Court of Papua New Guinea and Ms Jodie Burns, Judicial Registrar, Federal Court of Australia on Procedural Steps and Documents.

Session Four: Case Management & Course Wrap Up

This session will include a presentation by Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court of Vanuatu, Mr Shemi Joel and Chief Clerk of Courts of Marshall Islands Judiciary, Ms Ingrid Kabua and PJIP Systems Adviser, Mr Tony Lansdell.;

Court Officers' Advanced Course

Session One: Bribery and Fraud Case Issues

Introduction to the course outline, objectives, learning outcomes and an overview of the relevant resource pages on the Federal Court website. This session will include a presentation on Understanding Bribery Offences and Evidence to Manage Bribery Cases by Alicia Ditton, Judicial Registrar of Federal Court of Australia and a presentation on Advanced Fraud and Corruption Trials by Joanne Wilson, Judicial Registrar of Federal Court of Australia.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenters and to participate in a case scenario discussion which allows them to consider how their court deals with complex bribery cases.

Session Two: Money Laundering and Ethics

This session will include a presentation on Money Laundering Offences and Confiscation Regimes by Alicia Ditton, Judicial Registrar of Federal Court of Australia and a presentation on Advanced Ethics by Joanne Wilson, Judicial Registrar of Federal Court of Australia.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenters and to participate in a scenario activity that will allow them to consider the distinction between traditional black corruption and grey corruption offences.

Session Three: Procedural Fairness, Case Management Practices and Security Considerations

This session will include a presentation on Procedural Fairness by Jodie Burns, Judicial Registrar of Federal Court of Australia, and Shemi Joel, Registrar of Vanuatu Supreme Court and a presentation on Strategies for Managing Fraud and Corruption Cases in our Courts by Alicia Ditton, Judicial Registrar of Federal Court of Australia, and Victoria Belo, Assistant Registrar Crimes, National Courts of Papua New Guinea.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenters, and to consider several discussion questions that will allow them to reflect on security considerations in their court.

Session Four: Registrar/Court Officer Wellbeing 

This session will include a presentation on Vicarious trauma training and Registrar/Court Officer Wellbeing by Jodie Burns and Joanne Wilson, Judicial Registrars of Federal Court of Australia

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenters.